Amazon Prime Day 2018 is officially 1 week away!
It has finally been announced that Amazon Prime Day 2018 will begin on Monday, July 16 at 3pm EST and go through Tuesday, July 17. That means we have 36 glorious hours to buy (and sell!) thousands of different products at a huge discount.
It’s the day in which Amazon celebrates it’s “birthday” by treating its Prime Members with loads of discounts and savings on some of the hottest selling items available.
It’s also the day where sellers can take advantage by offering huge discounts to customers who are ready to one-click their order of whatever it is you are selling them that day!
So what is Amazon Prime Day?
This year marks the fourth year Amazon has picked a day close to its “birthday” to celebrate by offering Prime Members incredible savings on a plethora of products. There are an insane amount of deals for buyers and numerous opportunities for sellers. I highly recommend you download the app to get notified when items you want to buy go on sale.Do I have to be an Amazon Prime Member to get access to the deals?
YES! You definitely do! If you’re already a Prime member, then you’re good to go. Just sit back and wait for Monday and get ready to start shopping. If you’re not yet a member, I highly recommend you at least give it a shot. If you sign up through my affiliate link, you can try it out for free for 30 days. You don’t even have to be a paying Prime member to access these deals on Prime Day. Pretty cool, huh?Click Here to Sign Up for a Free 30 Day Trial of Amazon Prime
A 1 year Amazon Prime membership costs $119 and includes free 2 day shipping, access to free ebooks, thousands of movies and TV shows, millions of songs and even cloud storage. If you aren’t already a Prime member, you’ll want to sign up right about…NOW! I’ve been a member since 2012 and every single year it has been worth it. I would’ve paid hundreds of dollars more than that on shipping alone, forget the videos and ebooks they include too. I’ll never forgot the first time I went shopping with both of my kids. It was fairly recently, actually, since my son is only one. We went to Walgreen’s because my daughter’s pre-preschool class (yes, that’s a thing…for 2 year olds) was having a party and all the kids were required to bring a treat of some sort. I figured it couldn’t be too bad. I thought it would be a quick in and out. Boy was I wrong! The act of getting a 2 year old and a baby out of the car in a parking lot is never an easy task and when you’re a newbie at the whole more than 1 kid game. It really makes it completely necessary to strategize your every move. When we finally got in the store, the baby car seat didn’t fit in the cart. Walgreens has these abnormally small carts. Much smaller than regular shopping carts. What a pain. Then my daughter, who is used to riding in the cart, had to touch everything as she walked around the store with me. And anything that had a Mickey Mouse on it (a toy, a card, a ballon) she would run to, beg me to buy her and then throw a little tantrum every time I said no. And that was just Walgreens! Had I taken them to the grocery store or dare I say the mall? Well, it may have scarred me for life. (Hahaha, I’m kidding…or am I?) 🙂 So yeah…I buy everything I can on Amazon. It just makes my life easier.Special Amazon Prime Day 2018 Pro Tip
If you have a wishlist on Amazon, it will actually alert you when a deal pops up for something on your list. That means you can actually go shopping right now (add to your Amazon Wish List) and then wait for the alerts to come in on Monday/Tuesday for the items you already want. So start adding to your Amazon Wish List today and make sure you don’t miss out on the huge opportunity to save a ton of money on items you already want or need.And if you’ve ever thought about selling on Amazon (we all know how fun the buying part can be!), I’ll tell you EXACTLY what to need to determine whether selling on Amazon is right for your business.
Click here to access the free 10 minute video that reveals: Is Selling on Amazon Right For Your Business?