How to Better Connect With Your Amazon Customers

How to Better Connect With Your Amazon Customers

How can you stay better connected to your Amazon customers and their needs?

One way is to consistently answer all of their questions posted on your product pages. The customer question and answer section can be found directly under the product details on your listing.

You want to make sure your customers know that you are an active, involved seller and that you’re there to help. Answering both current and potential customers’ questions shows them that you care about your products, and makes them more likely to buy from you.


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Customer Inquiries Can Help Strengthen Your Listings

Consistently reading through your customers’ questions can help you optimize your listings and get more sales.

Not only will reading and responding to customers’ inquiries keep them happy, you can take the content of these questions and add that information to your bullet points. If you find that people are asking the same questions over and over, make sure that information is highlighted in your listings.

People are more likely to buy from you if their questions and concerns are addressed on your product page from the start.

 Use Competitors’ Q & A Sections to Optimize Your Listings

My pro tip for giving your customers the information they are looking for is to stay ahead of your competition.

Read your competitors’ customer inquiries and responses. What are people talking about? What are their concerns and questions? Try to make a habit of reviewing the question and answer sections of your competitors’ listings, and then use that information to highlight those aspects of your own listings.

This is a smart and proactive way to optimize your listings by anticipating and answering your customers’ questions before they even ask them.

Learn More

If you’d like to learn more about selling on Amazon or offering it as a service to others, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to see the videos I post each week.

I’d also love to see you in the Masters of Marketplace Member Site where we discuss all things Amazon all day long!